Scowthistles & Grass - Oil on canvas

This 17" x 21" oil on canvas is my personal favourite out of all my artworks. It brings alive the whole field through multiple layering of the sky and the foreground - it has a certain 3D effect due to the use of my palette knife and the ambience is divine.

Phil Kendall English artist
Your photo also shows the textures, well done...interesting colours, interesting shapes...

Jeannette Harrison English artist
I like the texture in this. It is very satisfying painting with a knife. I particularly like your wildflowers and grasses. Also, the way you have given depth by scratching the background field. Very well done.

Margaret McDougall English artist
I just love the texture in this and I must try painting with a knife. I especially love the foreground

Ruthy Flet English artist

Pete Crowbaby English artist
Lovely, nice blend of color and the paint has a good 3d look to it.

Raju Kane PR Professional
I really like Scowthistle and Watermill. I am no art critic, but there is something indefinably good and nostalgic about these two paintings